North Korea’s Growing Nuclear Engagements: Give Diplomacy a Chance

Image: News Republica The United States (US) Pacific Command reported on March 22, 2017 about a failed North Korean missile launch the very day. The launch came merely four days after North Korea (NK) had tested a rocket engine capable of being used for a long range intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The failure has come up as a greater relief to the US given the speculations that NK is working on an ICMB capable of delivering nuclear warheads to US. South Korea’s Ministry of Defense said in a statement that “South Korea and the US are aware of the missile launch and to their knowledge NK’s missile was not successfully launched”. Although it is not explicit as of now about the type of the missile or the reasons for failure, the matter however has drawn immediate international engagements. What is crucial at this point is not the failure, if at all, to launch the missile but the clandestine engagement of NK with weapons of mass destruction for quite some time – of whic...