Ambiguities of a Journey: New Delhi to Beijing
Dear Readers Bringing to you the second chapter of the series on China trip. The first chapter of the series being Setting off On a Hitchcockian Voyage: China I The hour was almost approaching 12:00 in the noon of June 25 (China time) when the Air China aircraft touched its wheels on the Beijing runway. I could see considerable greenery outside the window pane right from a time when the flight was still in its descent. Approaching fast towards the runway while the plane was still in air, I realized that one set of myth that was bestowed upon me by some back home was to be shattered in a short while from now. “The place is full of buildings and skyscrapers, I have heard. I am sure green is a least known colour there”. I remembered, someone had proposed to me before leaving, which I had mentioned earlier . I looked around at the fellow passengers as the plane came to a stationary halt at the Beijing aerospace. Curiosity was in ubiquity. Pulling out small d...